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Shomen uchi Overhead strike to center of head (with tegatana)
Yokomen uchi Overhead strike to side of head (with tegatana)
Mune tsuki Straight punch to the chest
Men tsuki Straight punch to the face


Katate tori One hand grabs one wrist
Morote tori Two hands grab one wrist
Kata tori Shoulder grab
Mune tori Lapel grab
Hiji tori Elbow grab
Ryote tori One hand grabs each wrist
Ryo kata tori Grab both shoulders
Ryo hiji tori Grab both elbows
Ushiro tekubi tori One hand grabs one wrist from behind
Ushiro ryote tori One hand grabs each wrist from behind
Ushiro ryo kata tori Grab both shoulders from behind
Ushiro kubi shime Choke from behind


Mae geri Front kick
Yoko geri Side kick
Mawashi geri Round kick (aka Roundhouse)


Kata tori men uchi Grab one shoulder punch face with other hand