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Sensei 'Teacher':  Literally "one who has gone before" This term is used to show respect to your instructor
Hai 'Yes':  Always reply with this when called on by the sensei
Iie 'No'
Onegai shimasu 'Please do me your favor':  To sensei at first of class and to fellow aikidoka before practicing a technique
Rei 'Respectful appreciation':  Usually refers to bowing
Dozo 'Please':  Please go ahead
Domo 'Thanks'
Arigato 'Thank you'
Domo arigato 'Thank you':  Formal
Domo arigato gozaimasu 'Thank you very much':  Very formal (For something that has just happened)
Arigato gozaimashita 'Thank you very much':  Very formal (To sensei at end of class and to fellow aikidoka that you have trained with)
Gomen nasai 'Excuse me':  Apologizing (bow as well)
Sumi masen 'Excuse me':  Also, you should bow with this phrase (to get someone's attention)
Wakarimasu 'I understand'