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The Pinning Forms

Ikkyo (Ikkajo):  Ude osae (Oshi taoshi) First control:  Arm pin (elbow locked straight)
Nikyo (Nikajo):  Kote mawashi Second control:  Wrist turn (forearm rotating pin)
Sankyo (Sankajo):  Kote Hineri Third control:  Wrist twist (forearm twisting pin)
Yonkyo (Yonkajo):  Tekubi osae Fourth control:  Wrist pin (wrist pressure point)
Gokyo (Gokajo):  Ude nobashi Fifth control:  Arm stretching (Arm stretching pin)


Kote gaeshi Wrist turn throw
Shiho nage Four direction throw (Sword imitating technique)
Irimi nage Entering throw (not a clothesline throw)
Mae otoshi Front drop (Arm is lock from beside)
Sumi otoshi Corner drop (Forearm is turned during inside tenkan)
Hiki otoshi Pull drop (Elbow is from underneath front)
Tenchi nage Heaven and earth throw (One hand up, one hand down)
Kokyu nage Breath throw
Koshi nage Hip throw
Kaiten nage Rotary throw